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Indonesia strives to have 1 million new entrepreneurs by 2024

Date 07/04/2023 - 17:06:00 | 57 views
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Indonesia is striving to have additional 1 million new entrepreneurs by 2024, as part of efforts to make it a developed country, according to Minister of Cooperatives and Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises Teten Masduki.

Speaking at the kick-off event for the Entrepreneur Hub Jakarta programme on April 5, Teten Masduki said that efforts to create 1 million new entrepreneurs and increase the entrepreneurship rate to 3.95% by 2024 have been initiated through this programme.

According to Masduki, Indonesia needs to prepare excellent entrepreneurs because of the around 64 million micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia, most are still micro-scaled or subsistence.

In developed countries, the entrepreneurship rate has reached 10 to 12%, he noted, stressing the need for Indonesia to create highly educated young people who enter the business world, encourage young people or educated people to do business so that domestic entrepreneurs can compete on the global level.

Given the ambitious target, the minister admitted that there are still several things that will need attention and hard work to make Indonesia a developed country. For example, the nation requires an ecosystem that is connected digitally so that MSME players can have easier access to financing.

In addition, MSMEs also need to be connected to the supply chains of industries so they can become suppliers of raw materials and finished goods, he added./.


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