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Functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Central Institute for Economic Management under the Ministry of Planning and Investment

Date 23/12/2019 - 10:16:00 | 49 views
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Decision No. 42/2018/QD-TTg dated October 25, 2018 by the Prime Minister.

Article 1. Position and functions

1. The Central Economic Management Research Institute is a scientific non-business organization under the Ministry of Planning and Investment, performing the function of studying mechanisms and policies on economic management and enterprise development; training PhDs in economics and conducting consultancy activities according to the provisions of law.

2. The Central Economic Management Research Institute has the legal status, its own seal and account, and is headquartered in Hanoi. Iits operation funds are guaranteed by the State in accordance with the law.

Article 2. Tasks and powers

1. To research and propose competent agencies to consider and decide:

a) Mechanisms and policies on economic management, international economic integration, policies to promote economic restructuring and innovation of growth model;

b) Scheme on renovating mechanisms and policies on economic management, improving the business environment and enhancing competitiveness and perfecting economic institutions; supporting and promoting business development and other interdisciplinary economic management issues.

2. To assess the implementation of economic management mechanisms and policies; review economic management practices; propose the application of new economic management mechanisms, policies and models.

3. To do theoretical and methodological research on economic management science and the development of economic management science in Vietnam.

4. To research and provide comments on economic management mechanisms and policies at the request of other agencies and organizations.

5. To build an information system on economic management and provide the data for agencies, organizations and individuals according to the provisions of law.

6. To provide public services.

a) Implementing scientific research programs and topics on economic management and international economic integration, improvement of the business environment and competitiveness and other relevant scientific fields according to laws and regulations;

b) Training PhDs in economics in accordance with the law;

c) Performing consultancy activities in other fields related to assigned functions and tasks;

d) Compiling publications, scientific research works, research papers on economic management, improvement of the business environment according to the provisions of law.

7. To implement international cooperation in economic management as assigned by the Minister of Planning and Investment.

8. To administrate the organizational structure, personnel, and finance and properties assigned according to the provisions of law and decentralization by the Minister of Planning and Investment.

9. To perform other duties and powers as assigned by the Minister of Planning and Investment and as prescribed by law.

Article 3. Organizational structure

1. General Research Department.

2. Department for Sector and Sectoral Economic Research.

3. Department for Business Environment and Competitiveness Research.

4. Department for Research Reform and Enterprise Development.

5. Department for Social Affairs Research.

6. Center for Counseling, Training and Information.

7. Office.

Article 4. Leadership

1. The Central Economic Management Research Institute has a Director and no more than three Deputy Directors.

2. The Director and Deputy Directors are appointed, dismissed and removed from office by the Minister of Planning and Investment in accordance with law.

3. The Director stipulates the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the affiliated units; appoints, dismisses and removes heads and deputy heads of their affiliated units according to the provisions of law and the assignment by the Minister of Planning and Investment.

4. The Director is responsible to the Minister of Planning and Investment and before the law for all activities of the Institute. Deputy Directors are responsible to the Director and to the laws for the working sectors assigned to them.

Article 5. Effect and implementation responsibilities

1. This Decision takes effect on December 10, 2018 and replaces the Decision No. 117/2009/QD-TTg on September 29, 2009 issued by the Prime Minister defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Central Economic Management Research Institute under the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

2. Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, Heads of government-affiliated agencies, Presidents of provincial/municipal People's Committees and Director of The Central Economic Management Institute are responsible for the implementation of this Decision./.


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