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Functions, responsibilities, right and organizational structure of Informatics Centre

Date 27/06/2018 - 15:00:00 | 29 views
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Decision No.1885/QD-BKHDT dated December 22th, 2017 by the Minister of Planning and Investment.

Article 1. Position and function

1. Informatics Centre is a unit of the Ministry of Planning and Investment in charge of information technology, having function of advising and helping the Minister to manage the activity of information technology application; research, build, manage and operate application system and infrastructure of information technology, ensure information safety and security of the Ministry of Planning and Investment on the Portal of the Ministry of Planning and Investment and electronic information pages assigned to be in charge.

2. Informatics Centre is a state non-business unit, having a legal entity, holding the private seal and bank account, operating self-control under provisions of the law and management decentralization of the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

Article 2. Responsibilities and rights

1. For strategy, planning, plan, program, project, and tasks of information technology application:

a. Presiding to help the Ministry of Construction to build five-year and annual strategies, planning and plan for information technology application in the sector, organization, and implementation after approved;

b. Guiding, supervising and speeding up, controlling the implementation of plans, programs, projects, and tasks of information technology application of units of the Ministry to ensure in conformity with the approved plans and in conformity with the electronic government architecture of the Ministry;

c. Chairing, organizing and implementing programs, projects, and assigned tasks about information technology application of the Ministry;

2. For unified management of information technology application activities:

a. Chairing and helping the Minister to build policies and regulations on management and implementation of information technology application activities to have unified application in the Ministry and the whole planning and investment sector; organizing, guiding, supervising and speeding up, and inspection the implementation after issued.

b. Chairing and helping the Minister to conduct united management of integrating online public services; connect, circulate information systems of the Ministry; build a shared and integrated sharing platform of the Ministry; build and make a united management of integrated sharing electronic lists of the Ministry and the whole planning and investment sector;

c. Organizing, building, maintaining and updating the electronic government of the Ministry;

d. Organizing and implementing the evaluation and ranking of information technology application in the Ministry and the planning and investment sector.

3. For unified management and operation of information technology infrastructure system of the Ministry:

a. Organizing the design, building, unified management and operation of the Data Centre of the Ministry, information technology, and telecommunication infrastructure system of the Ministry;

b. Organizing the building, management and operation of information equipment system of equipment of the information technology infrastructure system of the Ministry; maintaining, installing configuration, repairing, replacing computers and printing machine equipment and components; recovering technical incidents of the computer network system and information technology equipment of the Ministry;

c. Managing, developing and using the network system circulated among the between the system of the Ministry and network system of the agencies; use of the Internet from the Ministry’s computer network system;

4. For ensuring information safety and security of the infrastructure, information technology and electronic database system of the Ministry:

a. Being a clue to rescue information security network incidents of the Ministry;

b. Advising and helping the Minister to organize the implementation, supervision and speed up, inspection and control of information security;

c. Formulating, organizing the implementation of solutions for ensuring safety and responding with incidents for the infrastructure, information technology and electronic database system of the Ministry;

d. Building and managing a disaster provision information system of the Ministry;

5. For building, management, and operation of the infrastructure, information technology and electronic database system of the Ministry:

a. Organizing the design, building, management and operation of information technology application systems to support the operation of the Ministry, including:

- Information systems and applications to support the direction, management and operation of the Ministry: Overall information management system; Email system; document and dossier management system; electronic archives system; official management software of the Ministry; the system of tracking tasks assigned by the Government and the Prime Minister;

- Systems of information, database and application to support citizens and enterprises: Portal; Information Publicity System of the Ministry; National Portal of investment supervision and evaluation; Database of legal normative documents and operational direction of the Ministry; Database of administrative procedures belonging to the scope of managerial function of the Ministry;

- Systems of information, databases and specialized applications: Management information system of public investment; Information system of supervision and evaluation of program investment and investment projects using state capital; System of information and database of projects using ODA and preferential loans from foreign sponsors; System of information and statistical database of the planning and investment sector; National database of investment projects; System of electronic report information in the whole sector to connect with the national report information system;

- Systems of information, database, and other applications assigned.

b. To act as a focal point, coordinate with units in the Ministry and related agencies in the building and synthesis of database about sectors under state management extent of the Ministry, including receiving, processing, supplying and managing electronic information and supervising the exploitation and use of electronic information under legal regulations of the Ministry;

c. Chairing the implementation of appraisal, approval or giving professional opinions with jurisdiction for level proposals of information systems as prescribed by the law; inspecting the compliance with the law and evaluating the efficiency of methods of information system safety guarantee under level;

d. Giving technical and technological opinion for programs and projects of applying information technology, programs, and projects with the content of information technology application, regular tasks with information technology application of units of the Ministry.

6. For the organization, management, and official information announcement; electronic information integration and online public services on the Portal and electronic information pages in charge:

a. Doing permanent tasks of an Editorial Board of the Portal: Organizing, managing and providing information;

b. Chairing and coordinating with the spokesperson of the Ministry; related units and organizations in publishing official information of the Ministry of Planning and Investment;

c. Integrating electronic information and online public services on the Portal of the Ministry of Planning and Investment;

d. Doing tasks of managing information and providing information on the overall information management system of the Ministry;

đ. Checking, systemizing, digitalizing and updating information, data, and specialized data into databases to support the state management activity, direction and operation of the Ministry;

e. Being a clue of organizing and managing information, data, and electronic specialized data to support the state management activity, direction and operation of the Ministry;

g. Being a clue to organize, supply, exchange and integrate electronic information with the Government Portal, electronic information systems of the Ministries, sectors, and localities to support the operation of the Government and the Ministries;

h. Organizing, managing and supplying information on electronic information pages in charge.

7. For the organization of training, improvement, instruction, and support for using information technology applications:

a. Organizing the training, improvement, instruction for related agencies, units, organizations and individuals towards specialized information systems in charge;

b. Organizing the training, improvement, instruction for agencies, units, organizations, and individuals of the Ministry  towards database and applications to support the direction, management, and operation of the Ministry and ensuring safety, security of information on the Internet;

c. Training, improving and issuing information technology certificate as prescribed by the law and the Ministry;

d. Organizing the building of a user support system: Support call center and online support tools.

8. Organization of performing the management, grant, withdrawal, use instruction and implementing digital certificate application as prescribed by the law and the Ministry.

9. Coordination with units of the Ministry and related agencies to make cooperation in research and development of information technology applications.

10. Implementation of providing products, information technology services, and other services as prescribed by the law and the Ministry.

11. Management and organization of official apparatus at the Centre and implementation of finance-accounting, asset management and cost regime as prescribed by the law and management decentralization of the Ministry.

12. Implementation of information and report regime about the sector in charge under provisions of the law and the Ministry and other tasks as assigned by the Minister.

 Article 3. Organizational structure (amended according to Decision No. 301/QD-BKHDT dated March 30th 2021)

1. Policy, Database and Digital Transformation Department;

2. Infrastructure and Network Information Safety and Security Department;

3. Software Technology Department;

4. Electronic Information and Communication Department.

Personnel of the Informatics Centre are decided by the Minister.

Article 4. Leaders of the Centre

1. The Informatics Centre has a Director and a number of Deputy Directors.

2. Director and Deputy Directors are appointed/dismissed by the Minister as prescribed by the law.

3. Director of the Informatics Centre provides regulations on functions and tasks of dependent units of the Informatics Centre; builds the working Statute and internal expenditure Statute of the Centre in conformity with the current law.

4. Director of the Informatics Centre is responsible to the Minister and the law for all activities of the Informatics Centre.

5. Deputy Director of the Informatics Centre is responsible to the Director of the Informatics Centre and the law for the working fields assigned to be in charge.

Article 5. Implementation validity

This Decision takes effect from the signing date. Previous decisions in contrary to this Decision shall become annulled.

Article 6. Implementation responsibility

Director General of the Personnel Organization Department, Chief of the Ministry Office, Director of the Informatics Centre and Leader of units and organizations of the Ministry are responsible for implementing this Decision./.

Minister of Planning and Investment


Nguyen Chi Dung







(English for reference only)

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