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Functions, responsibilities and organizational structure of the Department for Economic Zones Management

Date 01/08/2018 - 10:15:00 | 33 views
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Decision No. 1889/QD-BKHDT dated December 22nd, 2017 by the Minister of Planning and Investment

Article 1.  Position and functions

The Department for Economic Zones Management, under the Ministry of Planning and Investment, assists the Minister of Planning and Investment to perform the functions of State management over economic zones (including industrial parks, export processing zones, and others similar forms of economic zones except for border gate economic zone, high-tech zone); acts as the focal point in assisting the Minister in studying, proposing mechanisms, policies, laws and monitoring any arising matters related to the construction and development of special administrative-economic units.

Article 2. Responsibilities

1. To participate in the formulation and act as the focal point in organizing the evaluation of master plans, general plans for development of economic zones in the whole country for the Ministry to submit to the Prime Minister for approval; to act as the focal point in guiding, monitoring, examining the implementation of master plans, plans approved by the Prime Minister; to preside over the proposal of adjustments, supplements to master plans and plans for development of economic zones; to act as the focal point in contributing opinions to master plans for construction of economic zones.

2. To act as the focal point in studying and proposing economic zone models, development and international cooperation mechanisms and policies related to economic zones; to formulate or participate in the formulation of legal documents on economic zones; to participate in the formulation of related legal documents, mechanisms and policies as assigned by the Ministry.

3. To participate in formulating a list of projects calling for domestic and foreign investment into economic zones in accordance with the master plans; to organize the implementation of programs to promote investment into economic zones; to participate with units within the Ministry in synthesizing and assessing socio-economic results and efficiency of activities of domestic investment and foreign direct investment into Vietnam.

4. To preside over or take part in the evaluation of matters related to economic zones, including the following duties:

a. To assume the prime responsibility in evaluating schemes on adjustment, supplementation of economic zones in the overall master plans on development of economic zones in the whole country, schemes on the establishment and adjustment of economic zones according to the provisions of law.

b) To assume the prime responsibility in appraising and reporting to the Prime Minister for a decision of investment policy or adjustment of investment policy decisions of investment projects falling under the investment policy-deciding competence of the Prime Minister according to Investment Law, including:

- Projects on the development of infrastructure in industrial zones, export processing zones and functional areas in coastal economic zones;

- Projects in industrial zones, export processing zones;

- Projects aimed at production in coastal economic zones.

c) To preside over the contribution of appraisal opinions and comments on investment projects in industrial zones and export processing zones; projects with production targets or multiple targets in coastal economic zones that do not fall under the investment policy-deciding competence of the Prime Minister.

d) To assume the prime responsibility for formulating the Report of appraising the capital resources and the ability to balance the capital from central budget of projects using central budget according to target programs to support the infrastructure of coastal economic zones, industrial zones, and industrial clusters.

e) To preside over or coordinate in appraising, giving comments on other investment projects assigned by the Minister.

5. To act as the focal point in coordinating, guiding, monitoring, examining, resolving any arising matters, assessing results on establishment, operation of enterprises and investment projects, the implementation of investment procedures in economic zones, operation results of economic zones with regard to problems within the scope of responsibilities, competencies of the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

To act as the focal point in monitoring, assessing the state management operation of economic zones management boards with regard to problems falling under the responsibilities, competencies of the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

6. To act as the focal point in synthesizing plans of economic zones; formulating, submitting to competence agencies for approval of the central budget support program for infrastructures of economic zones in each period according to the Law on Public Investment. 

7. To preside over the development and management organization of information system for economic zones in the whole country.

8. To act as a focal point in assisting the Ministry of Planning and Investment in performing the duties of the Standing Agency of Steering Committee on economic zones and industrial parks development.

9. To perform other duties assigned by the Minister of Planning and Investment.

Article 3. Organizational structure

The Department for Economic Zones Management has a Director General and a number of Deputy Directors General and works in accordance with the one-head regime combined with the specialist regime, the Department’s personnel is determined by the Minister of Planning and Investment.

Article 4. Entry into force

This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing. The previously promulgated regulations which are contrary to this Decision shall be annulled.

Article 5. Implementation responsibilities

The Director-General of the Organization and Personnel Department, the Chief of the Ministry Office, the Director General of the Department for Economic Zones Management and Heads of relevant units, organizations under the Ministry are responsible for implementing this Decision./.

Minister of Planning and Investment


Nguyen Chi Dung



(English for reference only)

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