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Socio - economic indicator achieved in 2016

Date 05/01/2017 - 08:40:00 | 25 views
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1.   The whole year 2016 (according to Report No. 223/BC-TCTK of the GSO, MPI)

-         Gross Domestic Product: GDP growth of 2016 was estimated to increase by 6.21% as compared to the same period 2015, in which that of the first quarter by 5.48%, the second quarter by 5.78%, the third quarter by 6.56% and the forth quarter by 6.68%.

-         Value of agriculture, forestry and fishery production of 2016 at 2010 comparative price was estimated at 870.7 thousand billion dong, up 1.44% as compared to 2015, in which: Agriculture at 642.5 thousand billion dong, up 0.79%; Forestry at 28.2 thousand billion dong, up 6.17%; Fishery at 200 thousand billion dong, up 2.91%.

-         Industrial production: IIP of 2016 rose by 7.5% as compared to last year, in which that of the first quarter by 7.4%, the second quarter by 7.1%, the third quarter by 7.1% and the forth quarter by 8.2%, much lower than the increase of 9.8% of 2015 and 7.6% of 2014 due to the decrease of mining.

-         Enterprise operation: Generally in 2016, there is a peak of 110.1 thousand newly registered enterprises, up 16.2% as compared to 2015; Total registered capital was 891.1 thousand billion dong, up 48.1% (if adding 1,629.8 thousand billion dong of additionally registered capital, total newly and additionally registered capital in 2016 was 2,520.9 thousand billion dong); Average of registered capital per an enterprise was 8.1 billion dong, up 27.5% as compared to 2015. Total registered labors of newly registered enterprise in 2016 were 1,268 thousand, equaling 86.1% of 2015.

-         Services: Total retail sales of consumer goods and services of the whole 2016 was estimated at 3527.4 thousand billion dong, up 10.2% as compared to 2015; If excluding price factor, it rose 7.8%, lower than the increase of 8.5% of 2015.

-         Passenger and cargo transportation: Generally in 2016, passenger tranportation was estimated at 3620.5 million arrivals, up 9.6% as compared to 2015 and 171.3 billion, up 11%. Cargo transportation was estimated at 1275.4 million tons, up 10.6% as compared to 2015 and 240.7 billion, up 4.3%.

-          Construction: Value of construction production in 2016 was estimated at 1089.3 thousand billion dong at the current price and increased 10.1% at 2010 comparative price as compared to 2015.

-         Investment: Total realized social investment capital of 2016 at the current price was estimated at 1485.1 thousand billion dong, up 8.7% as compared to 2015 and equivalent to 33% of GDP, including: 557.5 thousand billion dong of State sector’s capital, capturing 37.6% of total investment capital and up 7.2%; 579.7 thousand billion dong of non-State sector’s capital, making for 39% and up 9.7%; 347.9 thousand billion dong of FDI sector, accounting for 23.4% and up 9.4%.

-         State budget revenue and expenditure: As of December 15th 2016, total state budget revenue was estimated at 943.3 thousand billion, equaling 93% of the yearly estimate and total state budget expenditure at 1135.5 thousand billion dong, equivalent to 93% of the yearly estimate.

-         Export & import: Generally in 2016, export turnover was estimated at US$ 175.9 billion, up 8.6% as compared to 2015. If excluding price factor, it at US$ 179.2 billion, up 10.6% as compared to 2015.

Import turnover was estimated at US$ 173.3 billion, up 4.6% as compared to 2015, if excluding the price factor, it at US$ 183 billion, up 10.5% as compared to 2015.

-         Service export & import: Service export turnover of 2016 was estimated at US$ 12.3 billion, up 8.9% as compared to 2015. Service import turnover of 2016 was estimated at US$ 17.7 billion, up 7% as compared to 2015. Service trade deficit of 2016 was US$ 5.4 billion, equaling 44.1% of service export turnover.

-         International visitor to Vietnam: Generally in 2016, international visitors to Vietnam were estimated at 10.01 million arrivals, up 26% as compared to last year (equivalent to 2 million).

-         Consumer price index: Average CPI of 2016 increased 2.66% as compared to 2015.

-     Labor & employment: There were estimated at 54.4 million labors above 15 years, adding 455.6 thousand as compared to 2015, including 28.1 million male labors, capturing 51.6% and 26.3 million female labors, making for 48.4%. 


2.   The first 9 months 2016 (Report No. 142/BC-TCTK dated September 28th 2016 by General Statistics Office, MPI)

-  Gross Domestic Product: GDP of the first 9 months 2016 was estimated to rise 5.93% YoY (the first Quarter increased by 5.48%, the second by 5.78% and the third by 6.4%) but lower than the increase of 6.53% of the same period 2015.

-   Agricultural, forestry and fishery production: As of middle-September, as much as 1691.3 thousand hectares of winter rice was cultivated nationwide, equaling 98.2% YoY. Productivity of summer autumn rice was estimated at 53.9 quintal per hectare nationwide, down 0.3 quintal per hectare YoY; Its output at 11.3 million tons, down 49 thousand tons.

Area of concentrated afforestation was estimated at 151.9 thousand hectares nationwide, down 7.3% YoY; Destroyed forest at 4,359 hectares, higher 2 times YoY.

Fishery production of the first 9 months 2016 was estimated at 4937.6 thousand tons, up 1.98% YoY, including 3601.6 thousand tons of fishes, up 1.7% and 570 thousand tons of shrimps, up 1.7%.

-  Industrial production: IIP of the first 9 months rose 7.4% YoY, lower than the increase of 9.9% of the same period 2015.

-  Enterprises operation: Generally in the first 9 months 2016, there were 81,451 newly registered enterprises with total registered capital of 629.1 thousand billion dong, up 19.2% of number of enterprises and up 49.5% of registered capital YoY; Average of registered capital per an enterprise was 7.7 billion dong, up 25.4%.

-  Services: Total retail sales of consumer goods and services of the first 9 months 2016 was estimated at 2605.8 thousand billion dong, up 9.5% YoY, if excluding price factor, it rose 7.7%.

Passenger and cargo transportation: Passenger transportation in the first 9 months 2016 was estimated at 2710.3 million arrivals, up 9.6% YoY and at 128.1 billion arrivals.kilometre, up 10.5%. Cargo transportation in the first 9 months was estimated at 937.6 million tons, up 9.5% YoY and at 179 billion tons.kilometre, up 3.8%. International visitors to Vietnam in the first 9 months were estimated at 7265.4 thousand arrivals, up 25.7%.

-  Banking operation: As of September 20th 2016, total means of payment increased by 11.76% as compared to the end year 2015 (that of the same period last year by 8.88%); Mobilized capital of credit institutions by 12.02% (that of the same period 2015 by 8.9%); Credit growth of the economy was 10.46% (that of the same period last year by 10.78%).

-   Investment: Total realized social investment capital of the first 9 months 2016 at the current price was estimated at 1006.9 thousand billion dong, up 9.6% YoY, equaling 33.1% of GDP, including: Capital of the state sector was 378.8 thousand billion dong, capturing 37.6% of total capital and up 7.2% YoY.

As of September 20th 2016, as many as 1,820 FDI projects were granted investment certificates with total registered capital of US$ 11,164.6 million, adding 27.1% of number of projects and 1.1% of registered capital YoY. Total newly and additionally registered capital in the first 9 months 2016 was US$ 16,430.1 million, down 4.2% YoY. Realized FDI capital of the first 9 months was estimated at US$ 11.02 billion, up 12.4% YoY.

-   State budget revenue and expenditure: As of September 15th 2016, total state budget revenue was estimated at 665.2 thousand billion dong, equaling 65.6% of the yearly estimate; Total state budget was estimated at 819.4 thousand billion dong, equivalent to 64.4% of the yearly estimate.

-   Export and import: Generally in the first 9 months 2016, total export turnover was estimated at US$ 128.2 billion, up 6.7% YoY; Total import turnover at US$ 125.4 billion, up 1.3%. Trade surplus was US$ 2.76 billion, in which trade deficit of domestic sector was US$ 14.38 billion, trade surplus of FDI sector was US$ 17.14 billion.

-  Consumer price index: Average CPI of the first 9 months 2016 increased 2.07% as compared to the average of the same period 2015, higher than the increase of 0.74% of the average of the same period last year, but much lower than the average increase of CPI of  the same period in recent years.

-   Population, labor and employment: Average population of 2016 was estimated at 92.70 million people, adding 987.8 thousand people, up 1.08% YoY. As of October 1st 2016, there were estimated at 54.44 million labors above 15 years old nationwide, rising 122.7 thousand labors YoY, including 28.02 million of male labor, making for 51.5% and 26.42% million of female labor, accounting for 48.5%.
3.   The first half 2016 (according to Report No. 81/BC-TCTK dated June 27th 2016 of the GSO, MPI)
-     Gross Domestic Product: GDP of the first half 2016 was estimated to increase 5.52% as compared to the same period last year (GDP of the first quarter increased by 5.48%; the second quarter by 5.55%).
-     Value of agricultural, forestry and fishery production of the first half at 2010 comparative price was estimated at 397.4 thousand billion dong, down 0.1% as compared to the same period last year, including: Agricultural production reached 297.2 thousand billion dong, down 0.7%; Forestry obtained 13.3 thousand billion dong, up 5.8%; Fishery gained 86.9 thousand billion dong, up 1.3%.
-     Industrial production: Generally in the first half 2016, IIP increased by 7.5% as compared to the same period last year (that of the same period 2015 by 9.7%), including: Processing and manufacturing rose by 10.1%; Electricity production and distribution by 11.7%; Water supply and waste, wastewater treatment by 8.1%; Mining decreased by 2.2% (mainly cause of the decrease of crude oil mining of 6.1%).
-     Enterprises operation: Generally in the first half 2016, there were 54,501 newly registered enterprises and total newly registered capital of 427.8 thousand billion dong, up 20% of number of enterprises and up 51.5% of registered capital as compared to the same period 2015. Average of registered capital per enterprise was 7.8 billion dong, up 26.2%. As much as 16,125 enterprises adjusted their capital with total additionally registered capital of 774.7 thousand billion dong, total newly and additionally registered capital of the first half 2016 was 1202.5 thousand billion dong.
-     Services: Generally in the first half, total retailed sales of consumer goods and services was estimated at 1,724 thousand billion dong, up 9.5% as compared to the same period last year, if excluding the price factor, it rose 7.5% lower than the increase of 8.8% of the same period 2015.
-     Passenger and cargo transportation: Passenger transportation of the first half was estimated at 1805.2 million arrivals, up 9.2% and 84.2 billion arrivals.kilometres, up 8.8% as compared to the same period last year. Cargo transportation of the first half was 617 million tons, up 8% and 118.5 billion tons.kilometres, up 3.1% as compared to the same period last year.
-     International visitors to Vietnam in the first half were estimated at 4706.3 thousand billion, up 21.3% as compared to the same period last year.
-     Construction: Value of construction of the first half at current price was 456 thousand billion dong, including: that of the State sector was 35.9 thousand billion dong, capturing 7.9%; non-State was 394.2 thousand billion dong, making for 86.4%; FDI sector was 25.9 thousand billion dong, accounting for 5.7%. Value of construction of the first half at 2010 comparative price was estimated at 360.9 thousand billion dong, up 8.7% as compared to the same period last year.
-     Investment: Realized social investment capital of the first half at current price was estimated at 618.2 thousand billion dong, up 11.7% as compared to the same period last year and equaling 32.9% of GDP. From the beginning of the year to June 20th 2016, FDI attracted 1,145 newly registered projects with total registered capital of US$ 7496.9 million, up 51.3% of number of projects and up 95.3% of registered capital as compared to the same period as compared to the same period 2015 and 535 projects adjusting capital with total additionally registered capital of US$ 3787.8 million. Total newly and additionally registered capital was US$ 11,284.7 million, up 105.4% as compared to the same period last year. Realized FDI capital of the first half 2016 was estimated at US$ 7.3 billion, up 15.1% as compared to the same period 2015.
-     State budget revenue from the beginning of the year to June 15th 2016 was estimated at 425.6 thousand billion dong, equaling 42% of the yearly estimate, including domestic revenue was 343.8 thousand billion dong, equivalent to 43.8%; revenue from crude oil was 17.7 thousand billion dong, equaling 32.5%; budget balance revenue from export and import was 63 thousand billion dong, equivalent to 36.6%.
-     State budget expenditure from the beginning of the year to June 15th 2016 was estimated at 508.5 thousand billion dong, equaling 39.9% of the yearly estimate, including expenditure for development investment was 74.5 thousand billion dong, equaling 29.2%; for socio-economic development, national defense, security, state management… was 363.4 thousand billion dong, equaling 44.1%; for debit and aid was 68 thousand billion dong, equivalent to 43.8%.
-     Export and import: Export turnover of the first half was estimated at US$ 82.2 billion, up 5.9% as compared to the same period last year, of which: that of domestic economy sector was US$ 23.7 billion, up 3.3%, FDI sector (including crude oil) was US$ 58.5 billion, up 6.9%. If excluding the price factor (average export price decreased 3.85%), export turnover of the first half was US$ 85.5 billion, up 10.1% as compared to the same period 2015.
Import turnover of the first half was US$ 80.7 billion, down 0.5% as compared to the same period last year, of which: that of domestic economy sector was US$ 33.4 billion, up 1.3%; FDI sector was US$ 47.3 billion, down 1.8%. If excluding the price factor (average import price declined 7.8%), import turnover of the first half was US$ 87.5 billion, up 7.9% as compared to the same period 2015.
Generally, in the first half 2016, trade surplus was US$ 1.5 billion, including: trade deficit of domestic economy sector was US$ 9.7 billion, trade surplus of FDI sector was US$ 11.2 billion.
-     Consumer price index: Average CPI of the first half 2016 increased 1.72% as compared to that of the same period last year.
Labor and employment: As of July 1st 2016, there were estimated at 54.4 million labor above 15 years old nationwide, rising 654.3 thousand labors as compared to the same moment in 2015. 
4.   The first 3 months of 2016 (Report of General Statistics Office, MPI)
-    Gross Domestic Product: GDP of the first quarter 2016 was estimated to increase 5.46% as compared to the same period last year, higher than the increase of the first quarter of 2012, 2013, 2014, but there was sign of slowdown as compared to the increase of 6.12% of the same period last year.
-    Agricultural, forestry and fishery production: Value of agricultural, forestry and fishery production of the first quarter 2016 at 2010 comparative price was estimated at 178.8 thousand billion dong, down 1.3% as compared to the same period last year, including: agricultural production reached 137 thousand billion dong, down 2.5%; forestry obtained 6.4 thousand billion dong, up 6.3%; fishery gained 35.4 thousand billion dong, up 2.3%.
-    Industrial production: Index of Industrial production (IIP) of the first quarter 2016 increased 6.3% as compared to the same period last year, lower than the increase of the same period 2015.
-    Operation of enterprises: In the first quarter 2016, there were 23,767 newly registered enterprises nationwide with total registered capital of 186 thousand billion dong, increasing by 24.8% of  enterprises’ number and by 67.2% of total registered capital as compared to the same period 2015. Average of registered capital per enterprise was 7.8 billion dong, up 34.5% as compared to the same period last year. Number of decommissioned enterprises returning to business in the first quarter was 9,376, up 84.1% as compared to the same period lsat year.
-    Services: Total retailed sales of consumer goods and services in the first quarter of 2016 was estimated at 859.6 thousand billion dong, up 9.1% as compared to the same period last year, if excluding the price factor, it rose 7.9% (lower than the increase of 9.2% of the same period 2015).
-    Passenger and cargo transportation: Passenger transportation of the first quarter was estimated at 884.5 million arrivals, up8.1% and 42.2 billion arrivals.kilometres, up 9.7% over the same period 2015. Cargo transportation was estimated at 303.5 million tons, up 7% and 59.9 billion tons.kilometres, up 3.5% as compared to the same period last year. International visitors to Vietnam in the first quarter were estimated at 2459.2 thousand arrivals, up 19.9% over the same period last year.
-    Construction: Construction value of the first quarter at 2010 comparative price was estimated at 164 thousand billion dong, up 10.1% as compared to the same period 2015.
-    Investment: Realized social investment capital of the first quarter at current price was estimated at 273.6 thousand billion dong, up 10.7% as compared to the same period last year and equivalent to 32.2% of GDP. From the beginning of the year to March 20th, foreign direct investment attracted 473 newly registered projects with total registered capital of US$ 2740.4 million, increasing by 77.2% of projects’ number and by 125.2% of the capital as compared to the same period 2015. Realized FDI capital of the first quarter was estimated at US$ 3.5 billion, up 14.8% as compared to the same period 2015.
-    State budget revenue: Total state budget revenue from the beginning of the year to March 15th was estimated at 182.4 thousand billion dong, equaling 18% of the yearly estimation.
-    State budget expenditure: Total state budget expenditure from the beginning of the year to March 15th was estimated at 227.7 thousand billion dong, equaling 17.9% of the yearly estimation.
-    Export and import: Total export turnovers was estimated at US$ 37.9 billion, up 4.1% as compared to the same period 2015. Total import turnovers was estimated at US$ 37.1 billion, down 4.8% as compared to the same period last year.
-    Consumer price index: Average CPI of the first quarter increased 1.25% over the same period 2015, higher than the increase of 0.74% of the same period last year but much lower than the increase of CPI in the first quarter of the recent years.
-    Labor and employment: As of April 1st 2016, there were estimated at 54.4 million labors above 15 years old nationwide (up 761.8 thousand labors as compared to the same moment in 2015), including 28.2 million male labors, equaling 51.8% and 26.2 million female labors, equivalent to 48.2%./.

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