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Report on socio-economic situation of October and the first 10 months of 2015

Date 14/12/2015 - 09:28:00 | 39 views
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1.      Macro economy

-         Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased slightly: CPI of October rose by 0.11% over the last month, by 0.51% over December 2014; that of the whole year was estimated to rise 2%.

-         State budget revenue and expenditure: accumulated from the beginning of the year to October 15th, total state budget revenue was estimated at 709.82 thousand billion dong, equivalent to 77.9% of the yearly estimate; total state budget expenditure at 867.67 thousand billion dong, equaling 75.6% of the yearly estimate.

-         Attraction and realization of FDI, ODA capital and preferential loans: in the first 10 months, realized FDI capital was estimated at US$ 11.8 billion, up 16.3% from the same period last year; total registered capital at approximately US$ 19.3 billion, up 40.8%. Number of newly registered projects rose by 26.9%, number of projects raising capital by 42.2% over the same period last year. Realized ODA capital and preferential loans was estimated at US$ 3,800 million.

2.      Development of economic fields

-           Industrial Production: Index of Industrial production (IIP) of October was estimated to rise by 3.4% over the last month, by 8.8% from October 2014. Totally in the first 10 months, IIP was estimated to increase by 9.7% year-on-year, much higher than the same period of last years (that of 2013 by 5.6%, 2014 by 6.9%). Especially, processing and manufacturing recovered strongly: IIP increased by 10% over the same period last year, higher than the increase of the same period last years (IIP of 2013 by 7%, 2014 by 8.4%).

-           Agricultural, forestry and fishery production: Many difficulties from natural disasters, floods, epidemics were overcome to ensure stable development, especially in producing food, forestry and fishery. As of October 15th, Nothern provinces have harvested 837.4 thousand hectares of winter crop, equivalent to 96.6% of the same period last year, the productivity was higher by 1 to 2 quintals per hectares. Harvested summer autumn rice and autumn winter rice area was 2,354.8 thousand hectares, equivalent to 98.4% of the same period last year.

-           Services: purchasing power and aggregate demand continued rising, especially in total retailed sales of consumer goods and services. In the first 10 months, it increased about 9.6% over the same period of 2014; if excluding the price change factor, it rose 8.4%, much higher than the increase of 6.4% of the same period last year.

International visitors to Vietnam in October were estimated at 649.1 thousand arrivals, up 3.6% from the last month and 16.1% as compared to October 2014 (that of the same period 2014 down 11.1%).

-           Export and import: in the first 10 months, total export turnovers was estimated at US$ 134.62 billion, up 8.5% over the same period 2014; total import turnovers was estimated at US$ 138.75 billion, up 14.3%; trade deficit was about US$ 4.13 billion, approximately 3.1% of total export turnovers.

3.      Social welfares, health, culture and other social fields

-         Labor and employment: in the first 10 months, as much as 1,362 thousand jobs were estimated to create, equaling 85% of the yearly plan, up 3.5% from the same period last year with labor export of about 99.7 thousand people, equivalent to 110.7% of the yearly plan, up 10.2% over the same period last year.

-         Social welfares was paid attention and implemented well, such as: carrying out policies to support production development and life for the poor, ethnic minorities, remote areas and  objects of social protection; Reviewing and amending policy on social insurance, health insurance, regional minimum wage regime...

-         Activities on cultural – art, sports, information - propaganda were implemented actively and obtained good outcomes.

-         Measures for traffic safety continued to be strengthened. In the first 10 months, number of traffic accidents decreased by 11.4%, death toll by 3.9% and injury by 16.1% over the same period last year.

Generally, in the first 10 months of 2015, the economy continued recovering significantly and grew higher than the same period last year. Macro economy was stable, inflation was curbed at low level. Aggregate demand and purchasing power continued rising. Domestic revenue was good. Business climate was improved remarkably. Industrial production, including processing and manufacturing increased much higher than the same period last year. International visitors to Vietnam in October continued rising from the last month and over the same period last year. FDI attraction was good, registered and realized FDI capital increased remarkably over the same period last year. Foreign affairs and international integration obtained many results; social security and welfares continued being ensured; political security and social order were maintained; traffic accident decreased in three criteria (number of cases, death toll and injury).

Besides the above results, the economy has still faced many difficulties and challenges. Sharp decrease of crude oil and agricultural product export’s price impacted on the economy, especially state budget revenue. Agriculture and fishery faced many difficulties due to natural disasters, floods and increasingly severe competitive pressures on market and export price, causing the reduce of export turnovers and effetiveness. Life of people in remote areas, areas affected by natural disasters, flood and drought still had difficulties. Fire and explosive situation remained complicated, causing damage to people and their properties./.

PL.T10.2015.xlsx Tải về

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