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Report on socio-economic situation of June and the first half 2015

Date 01/08/2015 - 16:56:00 | 44 views
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1.     Macro economy

-          Inflation was curbed, consumer price index rose low: CPI of June rose 0.35% as compared to the last month; comparing December 2014, CPI of June rose 0.55%. Comparing to the same period last month: CPI of June increased by 1%; average CPI of the first half by 0.86%.

-          State budget revenues and expenditures: Accumulated the first half 2015, total state budget revenues was estimated at 446.12 thousand billion dong, equaling 49% of yearly estimate, up 6% as compared to the same period 2014; total state budget expenditures was estimated at 545.18 thousand billion dong, equivalent to 47.5% of yearly estimate, up 8.2% as compared to the same period last year. Budget deficit accounted for 43.8% of yearly estimate.

-          Development investment: Total realized social investment capital of the first half 2015 was estimated at 553.8 thousand billion dong, up 9.4% as compared to the same period last year (that of the same period rose 8.2%), equaling 31.1% of GDP, of which: realized development investment capital from state budget was 86.6 thousand billion dong, realized Government bonds capital was about 30 thousand billion dong. Realized FDI capital of the first half 2015 was estimated at US$ 6.3 billion, up 9.6% as compared to the same period last year (that of the same period rose 0.9%). Disbursement of ODA and preferential loan in the first half 2015 was around US$ 2,500 million, equaling 82.5% of the same period last year.

2.     Economic growth

-          GDP growth was highest over last 5 years: GDP growth of the second Quarter was estimated at 6.44%, higher than the increase of 6.08% of the QI and higher than that of the same period last 5 years. General first half 2015, GDP growth was 6.28%, much higher than that of the same period last 5 years; of which: agriculture, forestry and fishery was estimated to rise by 2.36% (that of the same period 2014 by 2.96%); industry and construction by 9.09% (that of the same period 2014 by 5.93%); services by 5.9% (that of the same period 2014 by 5.56%).

High GDP growth of the QII and the first half 2015 showed that despite of many difficulties in international and domestic economy, Vietnam’s economy continued recovering the high growth momentum.

-          Industry - construction growth of the first half 2015 was estimated at 9.09%, much higher than that of the same period from 2011 to now; of which: industry rose by 9.53% (that of the same period 2014 by 5.88%); construction by 6.6% (that of the same period 2014 by 6.24%).

Index of industrial production (IIP) of the first half was estimated to increase by 9.6%, much higher than the same period last years (2013 by 5.3%; 2014 by 5.8%). Especially, processing and manufacturing recovered strongly with the increase of 10% of IIP (that of the same period 2014 rose 7.8%), followed by mining with the increase of 8.2% of IIP (that of the same period 2014 declined 1.5%).

-          Agricultural, forestry and fishery growth of the first half of the year was estimated at 2.36%, lower than the increase of 2.96% of the same period 2014; in which: agriculture increased by 1.9% (that of the same period by 2.24%); fishery by 3.3% (that of the same period by 5.89%); forestry by 8.07% (that of the same period by 5.63%).

-          Service: Growth of service was estimated at 5.9% in the first half 2015, higher than the same period last  year (5.82%). Some business services with large proportion had got higher growth speed than the same period last year, such as: commerce increased by 8.35%; finance, bank and insurance activities by 5.85%; real estate business had improvement with the increase of 2.72%.

-          Export and import: Total export turnovers of the first half was estimated at US$ 77.75 billion, up 9.3% as compared to the same period 2014; Total import turnovers was estimated at US$ 81.5 billion, up 17.7% as compared to the same period 2014; trade deficit was US$ 3.75 billion, equaling 4.8% of total export turnovers.

3.     Social welfares and other fields: Education & training, science & technology, natural resources & environment, labor & employment, health, culture and other social fields were good, social welfares was paid attention and ensured.

-          In the first half, there were about 785 thousand jobs estimated to be created, making for 49% of the plan, up 3.4% as compared to the same period last year, including 732 thousand domestic jobs, accounting for 48.5% of the plan, up 4.1% and 53 thousand exported labors, capturing 58.8% of the plan, equaling 96.4% as compared to the same period last year.

-          As compared to the same period last year, traffic accident in the first half 2015 decreased in all 3 criteria: number of case declined by 12.85%; death toll by 4.5% and injury by 17.24%.

Generally, in the first half 2015, the economy continued recovering and achieving higher result than the same period last year. Macro economy was stable, CPI increased at low rate. GDP growth of QII was higher than QI and GDP growth of the first half 2015 was the highest increase in recent 5 years. Industry, especially processing and manufacturing continued maintaining high growth speed. Growth of service was good; total retailed sales of consumer goods and services continued high raise in quantity, which is good signal of recovering purchase power and aggregate demand. Credit growth was higher than the same period last year; interest rate maintained stable and decreased as compared to the end-2014, facilitating enterprises to mobilize more capital for business; general balance of payment was surplus. Total social investment capital increased higher than the same period last year. FDI disbursement was good. Export maintained the growth momentum, import of raw material, machinery and equipment for investment, production, business and export increased. Enterprise development continued to change positively; number of newly registered enterprise and capital increased highly; number of dissolved and decommissioned enterprise decreased as compared to the same period. Social welfares continued to be ensured; political safety and social order were maintained; traffic safety continued gaining positive results, traffic accidents decreased in all 3 criteria (number of case, death toll and injury).

Beside above-mentioned achievements, the economy still faced many difficulties and challenges: growth of agriculture, forestry and fishery was lower than the same period last year; export of domestic enterprise sector decreased as compared to the same period; international visitors to Vietnam declined. Complicated weather (drought and salinization…) affected agricultural production and people’s life. Poverty reduction result in some localities was not really sustainable./.

PL.T06.2015.xlsx Tải về

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