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Report on socio-economic situation of August and the first 8 months 2015

Date 28/09/2015 - 15:52:00 | 54 views
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Report No. 6165/BK-BKHDT dated September 1st 2015 of the MPI

1. Macro economy

- Consumer Price Index (CPI) of August declined 0.07% as compared to the last month; up 0.61% as compared to December 2014. CPI of August rose by 0.61% and average CPI of the first 8 months by 0.83% as compared to the same period last year.

- State budget revenue – expenditure: accumulated total state budget revenue of the first 8 months was estimated at 618.14 thousand billion dong, equaling 67.8% of the yearly estimate, up 7% as compared to the same period 2014; total state budget expenditure was estimated at 733.3 thousand billion dong, equivalent to 63.9% of the yearly estimate.

-  Development investment: in the first 8 months, realized FDI capital was estimated at US$ 8.5 billion, up 7.6% as compared to the same period last year; total registered capital was estimated at US$ 13.34 billion, up 30.4% as compared to the same period last year. Disbursement of ODA and preferential loan was estimated at US$ 2.75 billion.

- Industrial production: Index of industrial production (IIP) of the first 8 months was estimated to increase by 9.9%, higher than that of the same period last year (that of the same period 2013 by 5.3%; 2014 by 6.3%). Particularly processing and manufacturing rose by 10.4%.

- Agricultural, forestry and fishery production:

Winter crop cultivation: area of cultivation was 1,366.6 thousand hectares, equaling 94.5% of the same period last year. Many localities have formed more concentrated production areas, area of rice with high quality and able to resist diseases.

Harvest of summer crop: Southern localities harvested 1,111.4 thousand hectares of summer rice, equaling 99.5% of the same period last year.

Total fishery production of the first 8 months was estimated at 4.26 million tons, up 3.1% as compared to the same period last year; of which: aquaculture rose by 1.9%, exploiting by 4.4%.

- Services: total retailed sales of consumer goods and services of the first 8 months was estimated to increase by 10.1% as compared to the same period 2014; if excluding the price factor, it by 9.1% (that of the same period last year by 7.8%). International visitors to Vietnam in August was estimated at 665 thousand arrivals, up 12% over the last month and 7.5% as compared to August 2014. Thus, international visitors to Vietnam in the last 2 months rose highly, but in the first 8 months it still declined 7.5% as compared to the same period last year.

- Export and import: in the first 8 months, total export turnovers was estimated at US$ 106.3 billion, up 9% as compared to the same period last year; total import turnovers was estimated at US$ 109.9 billion, up 16.4%; trade deficit was about US$ 3.6 billion, equivalent to 3.4% of total export turnovers.


2. Education - training, labor – employment and other social fields

Education and training sector well organized the High school exams 2015. This is the first exam meeting all two targets: accreditation of High school graduation and admission of universities, colleges; reflecting determination of renewing exams, opening for the basical and comprehensive innovation in education and training. In the first 8 months, as much as 1.1 million jobs was estimated to create, equaling 67% of the yearly estimate, up 3.5% as compared to the same period last year.

Social welfares continued to be paid attention through organizing to visit, give gifts to families with meritorious services to the revolution on the occasion of 70th anniversary of the August Revolution and National Day September 2nd; timely supporting and helping people in Quang Ninh and the Northern moutainous provinces damaged by the last floods; continuing to implement policies for supporting production development and life of the poor, ethnic minorities, remote areas, social protection beneficiaries…

Traffic safety and order: in the first 8 months 2015 (from December 16th 2014 to August 15th 2015), as much as 14,622 accidents occurred, killing 5,821 people, injuring 13,234 people. As compared to the same period last year, traffic accidents in the first 8 months decreased in all 3 criteria: number of cases declined by 12.49%; death toll by 3.98% and injury by 16.04%.

Generally, in the first 8 months 2015, in spite of complicated changes of the world and regional economy, with the aggressive direction of the Government and Prime Minister, proactive respond of ministries, branches, localities and timely consistent solutions and policies, general macro economy was still be controlled, the economy continued recovering and achieving many positive results. Macro economy was stable, CPI rose slightly. Credit growth was higher than the same period last year;  interest rate maintained stable; exchange rate was adjusted flexibly. State budget revenue was ensured, particularly domestic revenue was higher than the same period last year. Industry, especially processing and manufacturing had growth speed much higher than that of the same period last years. Total demand and purchase power were improved; total retailed sales of consumer goods and services rose highly; international visitors to Vietnam in August continued to rise over the last month and compared to the same period last year. Registered and realized FDI capital increased highly as compared to the same period last year. Export maintained the growth momentum, import of raw material, mechinary and equipment for investment, production, business, export increased; trade deficit of the first 8 months was under the control (equaling 3.4% of total export turnovers; the goal set forth of 5%). Enterprises development continued to improve, number of enterprises and newly registered capital rose highly, while number of dissolved and decommissioned enterprises declined. Social welfares continued to be ensured; political security and social order was maintained; traffic accidents decreased in all three criteria (number of cases, death toll and injury).

Besides above-mentioned achievements, the economy still faced many difficulties and challenges: sharp decrease of crude oil and commodity's price in the world, complicated changes of the world financial market when China sharply devalued the Renminbi. Agriculture and fishery still faced many difficulties due to natural disasters, drought, floods and decrease of export price. Life of people in remote areas, areas affected by natural disasters, drought, floods still faced many difficulties. Ensuring hygiene and safety food, especially in IPs was still bad./. Tải về

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