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Targets as planned

Date 31/12/2013 - 11:24:00 | 28 views
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1. Main targets of socio-economic development plan 2013

Gross domestic product (GDP) is going to increase by 5.5%.

Export turnover is going to increase by 10%.

Proportion of trade deficit comparing to the total export turnover is going to be about 8%.

State budget deficit is not going to exceed 4.8% of GDP.

Growth rate of consumer price index (CPI) is going to be about 8%.

Total social development investment is going to be about 30% of GDP.

The poverty rate is going to fall by 2%, especially in poor districts by 4%.

Jobs are going to be created for about 1.6 million workers.

The urban unemployment rate stays under 4%.

Trained labor rate is going to be 49%.

Under-five malnutrition rate is going to be below 16%.

The number of hospital beds per 10 thousand people (excluding beds in village health stations) is going to reach 22 beds.

Ratio of enterprises causing serious environmental pollution treated is going to reach 84%.

The rate of operating industrial zones, export processing zones with centralized wastewater treatment system meeting environmental standard is going to obtain 75%.

Forest coverage is going to reach 40.7%.


2. Main targets of socio-economic development plan 2012

GDP growth rate in 2012 was planned at around 6% - 6.5%; Total export turnover to increase by 13%; Trade deficit at about 11% - 12% of the total export turnover. Under the allowed condition, it was attempted to reduce trade deficit to below 10% of total export turnover.

Budget deficit was attempted to be less than 4.8% of GDP; Total social investment to be around 33.5% of GDP; The consumer price index to raise less than 10%.

Social affairs: about 1.6 million jobs were planned to be created. The urban unemployment rate was attempted to be about 4%; Proportion of trained workers in the total labor force working in the economy to be 46%; Poor household rate to fall by 2%, particularly in poor districts to decrease by 4%; under-five malnutrition to be under 16.6%; The number of hospital beds per 10 thousand people (excluding beds in village health stations) to be 21.5 beds.

Environment: Proportion of enterprises causing serious environmental pollution treated was planned to be 79%; The rate of industrial zones, export processing zones with centralized wastewater treatment system meeting environmental standard to obtain 70%; Forest coverage to reach 41%.


3. Main targets of the five year socio-economic development plan 2011 - 2015

a) Economy

On average, gross domestic product (GDP) in 5-year will increase 6.5% -7% annually.

Total social investment in 5 years of 2011-2015 will be approximately 33.5% -35% of GDP.

Trade deficit is attempted to gradually decline from 2012 and will be at less than 10% of export turnover in 2015.

State budget deficit will be below 4.5% in 2015 (including government bonds).

Energy consumption per GDP will reduce from 2.5% to 3%/year.

High-tech products will make up about 30% of the total industrial output value; technological innovation rate will obtain 13%/year.

Social labor productivity in 2015 will increase by 29% -32% compared to 2010.

Tax and fee mobilization to the budget will not exceed 22% -23% of GDP/year.

In 2015, public debt must not exceed 65% of GDP, government debt must not exceed 50% of GDP, the national debt must not exceed 50% of GDP.

The consumer price index will rise about 5% -7% in 2015.

b) Social affairs

Number of new jobs created in 5 year will reach 8 million.

The unemployment rate of workers in working age in urban areas by 2015 will be less than 4%.

Proportion of trained workers in the total labor force working in the economy will reach 55% by 2015.

Real income of the population in 2015 will be 2-2.5 times higher than that in 2010.

The poverty rate will be reduced quickly and sustainably with an average reduction rate of 2%/year for the whole country and of 4%/year for the poor districts, communes with special difficulties.

The average housing area by 2015 will reach 22 m2/person, in which: the average housing area in urban areas will have reached 26 m2/person.

The population growth rate by 2015 will be about 1%.

There will be 8 doctors and 23 beds (excluding beds in village health stations) per 10 thousand people by 2015.

c) Environment

Forest coverage by 2015 will be about 42% -43%.

Proportion of enterprises causing serious environmental pollution treated will reach 85% by 2015.


4. Main targets of socio-economic development plan 2011

a) Economy

- Gross domestic product (GDP) was planned to increase by 7-7.5% compared to 2010.

- Total export turnover was attempted to increase by 10% compared to 2010; Trade deficit not to exceed 18% of export turnover.

- Total social development investment was targeted at about 40% of GDP.

- The consumer price index was envisaged to increase by no more than 7%.

b) Social affairs:

- Enrollment of universities and colleges was planned to increase by 6.5%; of professional intermediate schools by 10%; of vocational colleges and intermediate schools by 16.5%.

- Birth rate was targeted to decrease by 0.2 ‰.

- Jobs was planned to be created for 1.6 million workers, in which 8.7 thousand workers sent to work abroad.

- The poverty rate according to new poverty line was targeted to decrease by 2%; particularly by 4% in 62 poor districts.

- 4% of communes were planned to meet the criteria for new countryside.

- Under-five malnutrition rate was attempted to decrease to 17.3%.

- The number of hospital beds per 10 thousand population: 21 beds (excluding beds in village health stations).

- Housing area per capita in urban region: 19m2.

c) Environment:

- The percentage of the rural population having access to hygienic water: 86%.

- Proportion of urban population having access to clean water: 78%.

- Proportion of enterprises causing serious environmental pollution treated: 69%.

- The rate of treated medical solid waste: 82%.

- The rate of industrial zones, export processing zones with centralized wastewater treatment system meeting environmental standard: 55%.

- The rate of urban solid waste collected: 83%

- The forest coverage: 40%.


5. Main targets of socio-economic development planned 2010

a) Economy:

- Gross domestic product (GDP) was planned to increase by 6.5%.

The added value of agriculture, forestry and fishery was targeted to increase by 2.8%; of industry and construction by about 7%; of services sector by 7.5% compared to 2009.

- Total export turnover was attempted to increase by over 6% compared to 2009.

- Total social development investment was targeted at about 41% of GDP.

- The consumer price index was envisaged to increase by no more than 7%.

b) Social affairs:

- The number of provinces reaching universalized education in secondary school: 63 provinces.

- Enrollment of universities and colleges was planned to increase by 6.5%; of professional intermediate schools by 15%; of vocational colleges and intermediate schools by 17%.

- Birth rate was targeted to decreased by 0.2 ‰.

- Jobs were planned to be created for 1.6 million workers, in which 8.5 thousand workers sent to work abroad.

- The poverty rate was attempted to reduce to less than 10%.

- Under-five malnutrition rate was targeted to decrease to 18%.

- The number of hospital beds per 10 thousand population: 27.5 beds (excluding beds in village health stations).

- Housing area per capita in urban region: 13.5m2.

c) Environment:

- The percentage of the rural population having access to hygienic water: 83%.

- Proportion of urban population having access to clean water: 84%.

- Proportion of enterprises causing serious environmental pollution treated: 70%.

- The rate of urban solid waste collected: 85%

- The rate of treated medical solid waste: 80%.

- The rate of industrial zones, processing zones with centralized wastewater treatment system meeting environmental standard: 45%.

- The forest coverage: 40%.

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